Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Boston Marathon

The Boston Marathon bombing was one of the most devistating times in Massachussetts. It was when 2 brothers bombed the finish line to the Boston Marathon it killed 3 and injured hundreds more. But yet it ended up being a heartwarming event when other fans at the marathon would run over and help eachother and some marathon runners ran straight to the hospital to give blood to those who needed it. This was a very sad event but it will be remembered as everybody coming together to fight against this as one.

The bombers were later trying to flee from the cops and one was killed and the other captured. once again the United states stood on top even with the bombings in Boston. Millons of dollars have been donated to those who were injured so that they could fight through their injuries. This hasn't just affected Boston but its affected everyone over the world.

There was a very special moment that happened because of the Boston bombing. Jason Collins, a center for the Washington Wizards, came out as being gay. He addmitted to sports illistrated that the reason he came out was the Boston bombing because you never know when life can just end.  He is the first ever active player to come out as gay from a major sport.

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